
The Washburn Group

Newell R. Washburn

Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering

Education: Ph.D., Chemistry, 1998, University of California (Berkeley)
Research: Materials chemistry, biomaterials, sustainability, machine learning
Google Scholar

I am interested in entrepreneurship and have developed a project in Polymeric Biomaterials to introduce students to the subject and give them a basic understanding of how patents and intellectual property work in the context of technological innovation. This is summarized in an article that appears in Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A.

Amira Alakhdar

Graduate Student (PhD, Chemistry)

Junhui Huang

Graduate Student (PhD, Chemistry)

Group Photos

The Washburn Group: Aditya Menon, Kedar Perkins, Newell Washburn, Jennifer Bone and Christopher Childs.
Not pictured: Emily Charleson, Renee Rios.