Danith H. Ly
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Email: dly@andrew.cmu.edu
Tel: (412) 268-4010
Lab: (412) 268-5579
Fax: (412) 268-1061
Office: Mellon Institute, Room 837
Lab: Mellon Institute, Room 841
Dr. Ly was born and raised in Cambodia. He received his Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering and Minor in Philosophy from Georgia Institute of Technology in 1994. He received his Ph.D in Organic Chemistry in 1998, also from Georgia Institute of Technology under the supervision of Prof. Gary B. Schuster. He did his postdoctoral work at UC Berkeley and at Scripps Research Institute under the supervision of Prof. Peter G. Schultz, 1998–2001. He joined the Department of Chemistry at Carnegie Mellon University in 2001 as an Assistant Professor.

Babita Aryal
Graduate Student
Email: babitaa@andrew.cmu.edu
Tel: (412) 268-4010
Lab: (412) 268-5579

Savani Thrikawala
Graduate Student
Email: sthrikaw@andrew.cmu.edu
Tel: (412) 268-4010
Lab: (412) 268-5579

En Zheng
Graduate Student
Email: enzheng@andrew.cmu.edu
Tel: (412) 268-4010
Lab: (412) 268-5579
- Alinakhi
- Adena Adej
- Krishnan Aiyer
- Julia K. Atwood
- Raman Bahal (Yale)
- Anjan Banerjee
- Brian Belardi (UD Berkeley)
- Dinesh Bhunia (AAP-Pharma)
- Penelope Bigelow
- Young (Sarah) Chang
- Thomson Chang
- Venugopal Chenna (John Hopkins University)
- Sheldon Cheung (Caltech)
- Jason Cho
- Rajeev Chorghade (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
- Yidan Cong
- Matthew Crawford (Frostburg State University)
- Isha Dhami (BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.)
- Anca Dragulescu-Andrasi (Stanford)
- Lei Du (Penn State)
- Dan Evans
- Brian Frezza (Scripps Research Institute)
- Emily D. Harwitz
- Brian Hayashi (Michigan)
- Gaofei He (University of Missouri)
- Andy Hsieh (UC Berkeley)
- Allison Huang (Temple)
- Jack P. Huang (Columbia)
- Angela Jiang
- Ashley Kilp (U Penn)
- Bumki Kim (Duke)
- Hayoun Kim
- Min Kim
- Minji Kim (Columbia)
- Mathew J. Kofke (U Penn)
- Suresh Kumar (Syngene)
- Premkumar Kumpati
- Stacey Kurnikova (Stanford)
- Chong Min Lee
- Jihoon Lee (University of Florida)
- Jack Li (Scripps Research Institute)
- Fermin Liang
- Calvin Lin (Temple)
- Kevin Long
- Arunava Manna (University of Geneva)
- Caitlin Mao
- Gustavo Ramos Martinez
- Samuel Mazza
- Robert Meehan (Yale)
- Bushra Memon
- Dr. Rita Mihaela Mihailescu
- Tiffany Monaco
- Cleopatra Nacopoulos (NIH)
- Linda Nhon (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Jeong Teag Oh
- Jessie O’Hara (Princeton)
- Alexander Orenstein (University of Pittsburgh)
- Srinivas Rapireddy (HelixBind)
- Iulia A. Sacui (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
- Bichismita Sahu (Piramal)
- Kurt Schimmel
- Bijan Sepehri
- Ashif Yasin Shaikh
- Richard Sheirman
- Adam Simpson
- Aria Soltani
- Li Su
- Wei Tang
- Thomas D. Walko (University of Pittsburgh)
- Ashley Wang
- Jane Wang
- Elizabeth Wiltrout (Chicago)
- Robert Wu
- Sharon Wu
- Hyemin Yoo
- Sung Yoon
- Sophia Zahn
- Peng Zhou