Courses Taught
CHEM 09536/09736 (formerly CHEM 09812) — Transition Metal Catalysis for Organic and Polymer Synthesis Chemistry
Transition metal catalysts are invaluable in both organic and polymer synthesis. This course begins with a brief overview of organometallic chemistry and catalysis. Subsequent modules on organic and polymer synthesis are then presented. Topics of current interest are emphasized.
CHEM 09541/09741 — Organic Chemistry of Polymers
A study of the synthesis and reactions of high polymers. Emphasis is on practical polymer preparation and on the fundamental kinetics and mechanisms of polymerization reactions. Topics include: relationship of synthesis and structure, step-growth polymerization, chain-growth polymerization via radical, ionic and coordination intermediates, copolymerization, discussions of specialty polymers and reactions of polymers.
CHEM 09219 — Modern Organic Chemistry I
This course is designed to introduce students of chemistry and related disciplines to Organic Chemistry. The approach will be to discuss the physical principles of organic chemistry and apply these to understanding the structure and reactivity of organic molecules. The main lectures cover functional groups, spectroscopic techniques, alkanes/alkenes/alkynes, stereochemistry, substitution and elimination reactions, radical reactions, and the synthesis and chemical transformation of organic molecules. The lectures will be supplemented with discussions that will go into greater depth on the traditional topics as well as cover topics in modern chemical research, such as biochemistry, environmental chemistry, green chemistry, nanomaterials, polymer chemistry, and catalysis. This course will provide students with a strong foundation in Organic Chemistry and exposure to cutting-edge research.
CHEM 09321 — Laboratory III: Molecular Design and Synthesis
In this third course in the laboratory sequence, students will learn a variety of more advanced techniques for organic synthesis and characterization, and will gain experience with developing and designing synthetic procedures. Student writing skills are further reinforced through preparation of detailed lab reports. 2 hrs. lec., 6 hrs. lab.
Lab techniques developed for metal-catalyzed reactions: